As a business leader, one of your top priorities is customer satisfaction. Your brand’s reputation is closely tied to what your customers think of it, and the sustainability of your business lies in retention and returning clientele. Speech analytics, also known as...
CCNA reduces call centre workloads with their low-cost solution delivered to you at record speed. SYDNEY, NSW, Australia — June 30, 2020 Technology solutions provider, Converged Communication Network Applications (CCNA), recently released their CC Callback solution....
Unified Communications (UC) is a foundation for offering different companies an array of asynchronous and real-time communication tools. The goal is to improve business communications and productivity, giving businesses a competitive advantage. In a customer-centric...
Great organisations are built on robust, well guided, fundamentals. One fundamental trait of great organisations is they place the customer at the centre of their focus, in every move they make. Their strategy takes customer experience (CX) into account at each stage...